Title: Models & Practices in Sustainable Farming
Publication Date: May 2021
For Caritas member organizations in Asia, smallholder farmers are an integral part of our society and an important part of our mission as Church. This publication is a collection of best practices and inspiring stories of smallholder farmers from various countries in the Asia region. After years of promoting and supporting organic and sustainable farming systems, Caritas Asia has embarked on producing this publication, in order to document and share the success stories of smallholder farmers in a manner that would ignite more interests and the practice of environment-friendly agriculture systems. This publication also showcases the heroism of smallholder farmers, who usually go through a lot of difficulties in producing the food that people eat, through their testimonies of reaping the benefits of organic farming.
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Title: Volunteering and Disaster Risk Reduction
Publication Date: February 2020
It is widely acknowledged that Asia is a region that suffers from many types of natural and man-made calamities, but perhaps unbeknownst to many, amidst the tragedy and the havoc brought about by each disaster is a throng of volunteers providing hope and inspiration to the affected communities in Asia. There are actually thousands of volunteers from all walks of life and from almost every corner of the world, who are always ready to lend a hand, whenever disaster strikes in the region.This publication is a product of the collective efforts of nine Asian and three European Caritas Organizations within the project PEACH 2 (European-Asian Partnership for Building Capacities in Humanitarian Action).
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Title: Humanitarian AID
Publication Date: January 2017
You want to work as a volunteer in Humanitarian Aid – either in your own country or abroad? While you read these lines, there are thousands of people in the world who are affected by disaster(s) and are in urgent need of support to survive in dignity.
By working as a volunteer, you express your solidarity with these people and you become a member of the community of the people and organizations helping those most in need.
However, your will and enthusiasm to help will not be enough. To become a valuable volunteer, able to support the team of a humanitarian organization, certain knowledge and skills are necessary and expected.
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